Monday 26 May 2008

First Day In A New Job

You made it through the interview, signed the offer letter, got your terms and conditions – now you have to actually do the work! The Business Angel Erica Myers-Davis, presents some top tips to make your first day in your new job, stress free and successful.

1) Sleep Well, the night before
Sounds obviously, but go to bed a little earlier than normal to ensure you get a good night’s sleep. You want to wake up feeling refreshed, relaxed but alert. Your first day will probably be a little draining and overwhelming so you need maximum energy to get through in one piece

2) Rehearse your route to work
If your new job, takes you to a new area or on a different route – plan ahead so you know where you’re going but also try to do it at the same time you have to start. There is nothing worse than getting lost on your first day or being stuck in traffic, that you didn’t realize existed!

3) Who do you report to?
Before you start, ensure you know who you report to on your first day. Do you need to see the HR Manager or are you going straight to your new manager’s office. Are they in the same building or location? Call or email beforehand and double check you have the correct spelling of their name and telephone number.

4) What to wear?
Ensure you have planned your wardrobe the day before so you know what you’re wearing in the morning. Always dress conservatively in business attire if you’re not sure of the culture, it’s always better to look smart than casual. If you are required to wear a uniform, then ensure it is neat, clean and fits correctly. Ask if they have casual days when it is okay to wear casual clothes, like Friday afternoons.

Ok, so you’re dressed smartly, arrived on time, reported to the correct person. What next?

Of course, you will feel nervous and a little overwhelmed but remember they hired you because you obviously made a good impression somewhere along the line, so be yourself. Just remember to:

1) Take a notepad, so you can jot down people’s names and their positions, and also any other important information
2) Get a copy of your job description, so you’re clear on what you’re supposed to be doing
3) Ask your boss what your top three priorities are for the week, month and year
4) Not get involved in any office politics, as you don’t know who you’re speaking to and where they fit in the scheme of things
5) Smile and take a deep breath if you feel nervous

The Golden Rule of Making a Good Impression on your first day

Ask the HR manager for information concerning your salary, leave entitlements, working hours and benefits or staff discounts.

Ask your colleagues and co-workers about lunch breaks, casual days, location of the sandwich shops and the general culture of the organisation.

Finally you should discuss the specifics of the job with your supervisor and their expectations. Before you know it, it will be home-time and you’ll have survived your first day in your new job - congratulations!

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